Silicon Valley Watcher: Wizard of the Modern Age, Marc Canter
In this episode of the Silicon Valley Watcher podcast I talk with veteran serial entrepreneur Marc Canter about how things have changed over the past thirty years, his new startup and the future of AI chatbots.
Marc is one of the wizards of the modern age – one of the key builders of this fascinating digital realm emerging all around us.
He was very well known back in the the late 1980s to mid 1990s with his very hot startup MacroMind (acquired by Macromedia and then Adobe) which made authoring tools for the very hot CD-ROM multimedia market. The area around San Francisco’s South Park was where these new startups were found. The district was dubbed “Multimedia Gultch.”
Marc’s latest venture is, allowing people to create their own bots and then share them with others. I’m skeptical that people will want to chat with bots but it’s worth hearing Marc on why he thinks this will be a big business.
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Audio Podcast, Silicon Valley Watcher