Open Source Orchestration – Intel Chip Chat: Network Insights – Episode 108

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Intel Chip Chat – Network Insights audio podcast with Allyson Klein: Marc Cohn, VP of Network Strategy at The Linux Foundation, examines open orchestration of services across NFV, SDN and legacy networks in this archive of a livecast from NFV World Congress 2017 in San Jose. Open Network Automation Platform (ONAP) is a new open source orchestration project that merges efforts from China Mobile and their vendors with Open–O and ECOMP from AT&T. This is an important convergence to a single platform for end-to-end service orchestration. Mark explains what is driving the engagement of operators in ONAP and other open source communities. He also discusses what ONAP will provide for network transformation and how long the industry may need to wait to see production.

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Posted in: Audio Podcast, Intel, Intel Chip Chat, Intel Chip Chat: Network Insights