High-performance Workstations Increase Design Throughput

October 28th, 2013 |
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IT Best Practices: Design engineers at Intel face the challenges of integrating more features into ever-shrinking silicon chips, bringing products to market faster, and keeping design engineering and manufacturing costs low.

A new category of workstations has emerged, based on the new Intel Xeon processor E5-2600 v2 product family. These processors act as expert workbenches, allowing engineers to more quickly create and test design ideas by running suites of multiple front-end and back?end EDA applications concurrently.

These high-performance workstations completed multiple, concurrent electronic design automation (EDA) application workloads up to 6.09x faster than a workstation based on Intel Xeon processor 5400 series and up to 1.29x faster than a workstation based on Intel Xeon processor 5600 series.

For more information on Intel IT Best Practices, please visit intel.com/IT

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