Intel says goodbye to Silicon Dioxide in new 45 nanometer fab

Moore’s Law is very much alive, according to Intel Senior Fellow, Mark Bohr. He gave me a tour of Intel’s newest 45 nanometer fab. This is a very rare look inside Intel‘s newest fab that’ll make processors you’ll be buying in computers later this year. In this tour you’ll see workers putting on their “bunny suits”, hear why cleanliness is so important, and hear what these new chips will do. Mark claims this fab puts Intel one to two years ahead of its competitors. Why is that? Because they are getting rid of Silicon Dioxide dielectrics. What does that mean? Well, watch the video and you’ll see the secret to Intel’s new 45 nanometer chips. Wikipedia, has a good page on High-K dielectrics, which is what Intel s moving to, in order to make processors generate less heat, take less power, all while having more transistors than last year’s designs. Intel has the world’s first High-K metal gate architecture and it’s all due to this fab. Thanks to Intel for giving me a great look behind the scenes here. What does this mean for you? These chips will bring you about 20 percent more performance.
Related Stories: IntelMooresLaw
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Connected Social Media, Corporate, Enterprise 2.0, Intel, Intel Moore's Law, ScobleShow, Technology