Intel this week announced the release of its newest mobile technology, Centrino 2. Centrino 2 features an enhanced CPU utilizing Intel’s 45 nanometer technology, new graphics and chipset, and more powerful wireless connectivity. This latest version of the Centrino platform [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Corporate, Intel, Intel Moore's Law Tags: 45 nanometer, Centrino 2, Erik Reid, Intel, mobility, Mooly Eden
Categories: CES BlogHaus 2008, CES Las Vegas - Consumer Electronics Show, Connected Social Media, Corporate, Intel, Intel CES, Tech Conferences and Events Tags: 45 nanometer, blogger party, CES, Extreme Gaming Truck, gaming systems, Intel, MIDs, Mobile Internet Devices, Paul Otellini, Smash Mouth, Zero G
Categories: CES BlogHaus 2008, CES Las Vegas - Consumer Electronics Show, Connected Social Media, Corporate, Intel, Intel CES, Tech Conferences and Events Tags: 45 nanometer, chipset, Intel, Kevin C. Tofel, Menlow, microprocessors, MIDs, Mobile Internet Devices, Poulsbo, server arrays, Silverthorn, Warner Crocker
Categories: Connected Social Media, Corporate, InfoWorld, Intel, Intel Moore's Law, Intel-OpenPort Tags: 45 nanometer, 5200, 5400, dual-core, energy efficiency, Gordon Moore, hafnium, high performance computing, high-k, HPC, Intel, Intel Core microarchitecture, IntelMooresLaw, metal gate transistor, parallel processing, quad core, technological advancements, transistor, Xeon
In his keynote today at the Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco, Patrick Gelsinger, senior vice president and general manager of Intel’s Digital Enterprise Group, gave a broad update on Intel’s efforts this year.
In this podcast, Gelsinger covers what [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, Corporate, Information Technology, Intel, Intel Developer Forum, Intel IT, Intel Nehalem, IT@Intel Tags: 45 nanometer, Danbury technology, decryption, Digital Enterprise Group, dual processor, encryption, Intel Developer Forum, John Fowler, Lead-Free, McCreary, microarchitecture, Moore's Law, Nehalem, Patrick Gelsinger, virtualization, vPro
Paul Otellini looked back on 40 years of innovation at Intel, outlined the company’s three main capabilities (silicon technology, Intel architecture, and market creation), and gave his vision for the future. “Today’s innovations are the basis of future technology,” Otellini [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, Corporate, Information Technology, Intel, Intel Developer Forum, Intel IT, IT@Intel Tags: 32 nanometer microprocessors, 45 nanometer, chipsets, Climate Savers Initiative, discrete graphics, Energy Star rating, extreme gaming, extreme performance, Gordon Moore, IDF, Intel, Intel architecture, Intel Teach, Larrabee, microprocessors, Moore's Law, Nehalem, Paul Otellini, Penryn, silicon technology, ultra mobile devices, WiFi, WiMax
The Intel Developer Forum shifts to Beijing China this spring where the company plans to say more about its products and strategies, especially in areas like 45 nanometer chips, mobility and gaming. One new wrinkle: the world’s largest chip maker [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, Corporate, Gaming, Intel, Intel Developer Forum, Intel IDF Current Tags: 45 nanometer, Beijing, Bryan Rhoads, China, Intel, Intel Developer Forum, Stacy English
Intel unveiled the next stages for its new 45 nanometer process technology. The new microarchitecture is code-named Nehalem and represents a major shift in design. The technology is aimed partly at the requirements of next-generation media services over the Internet. [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, Corporate, Intel, Intel Developer Forum, Intel IDF Current, Intel Moore's Law, Intel Nehalem, Tech Conferences and Events, Technology Tags: 45 nanometer, Intel, IntelMooresLaw, Jason Lopez, Nehalem, Pat Gelsinger
The Nintendo Wii may not spark an exercise fad, but, in at least one well-publicized case, it may be leading to some welcome weight loss. Also this week, we stopped by Intel, which was showing off its latest chip, Penryn. [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, Gaming, Intel, PodTech News, Technology Tags: 45 nanometer, IBM, Intel, microprocessor, Nintendo, Penryn, Robert Scoble, Wii
Categories: Connected Social Media, Corporate, Intel, Technology Tags: 45 nanometer, Core2Duo, Core2Extreme, Core2Quad, Gordon Moore, Intel, IntelMooresLaw, Jason Lopez, microprocessors, Moore's Law, Penryn, semiconductors
Kelin Kuhn is the 45 nanometer device group manager. She runs one of Intel‘s most important test labs where Intel figures out what needs improvement. Intel’s profitability rests on her shoulders because if a fab isn’t yielding enough good [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, Corporate, Enterprise 2.0, Intel, Intel Moore's Law, ScobleShow, Technology Tags: 45 nanometer, chips, Intel, IntelMooresLaw, Kelin Kuhn, wafer
Moore’s Law is very much alive, according to Intel Senior Fellow, Mark Bohr. He gave me a tour of Intel’s newest 45 nanometer fab. This is a very rare look inside Intel‘s newest fab that’ll make processors you’ll be [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, Corporate, Enterprise 2.0, Intel, Intel Moore's Law, ScobleShow, Technology Tags: 45 nanometer, chips, dielectrics, High-K dielectrics, Intel, IntelMooresLaw, Mark Bohr, Moore's Law, Silicon Dioxide
Intel CFO Andy Bryant says that 2006 was a year when chipmaker AMD won some marketing battles with better products. But that changed in the 4th quarter of the year when Intel was able to start applying pricing pressure to [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, Corporate, Intel, Intel Moore's Law, Technology Tags: 45 nanometer, AMD, Andy Bryant, Intel, IntelMooresLaw
You might think Moore’s Law comes with an ancillary set of steps on how to adhere to it. The Law essentially says that technology develops so swiftly that chip engineers can pack twice as many transistors on a piece of [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, Corporate, Intel, Intel Moore's Law, Technology Tags: 45 nanometer, chip technology, Intel, IntelMooresLaw, Moore's Law