Transforming Storage: Intelligent Storage, Secure Data

Transforming Storage – Episode 2 – The practices of data security professionals require the latest technologies and an understanding of human nature. Talk to anyone in security and they readily recount stories of breaches that were accomplished not with sophisticated hacking, but by simple human contact. Technologists are responding. The latest developments in security technologies and practices aim to keep data safe when it’s in use, in motion and in storage. On this Transforming Storage podcast we visit RSA and Interop for insights into storage and the cloud, as well as interview Intel’s security strategic planner for cloud computing.
In this audio podcast:
Eric Carpenter: Director of Enterprise Applications, RAND Worldwide’s Secure Archive Division
Jay Kim: Co-founder and President of Data Locker
Scott Durant: Security Strategic Planner in the Cloud Planning Organization, Intel
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Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Intel, Intel: Intelligent Storage, Intel: Software Defined Infrastructure, Security, Technology, Transforming Storage