utility computing tagged posts:

Active Power Management: Your On-Ramp to Utility Computing

September 25th, 2007 |
Active Power Management: Your On-Ramp to Utility Computing

Join BearingPoint technologist and managing director Frederic Veron as he and Kenneth Oestreich, director of product management and product marketing at Cassatt explore the active power management approach to utility computing and why the market is now ripe for the [See the full post…]

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Categories: BearingPoint, Connected Social Media, Corporate Tags: , , , ,

Utility Computing: A 3-Phased Approach to Layered Implementation

May 14th, 2007 |
Utility Computing: A 3-Phased Approach to Layered Implementation

Are there so many moving parts to the Utility Computing puzzle that you’re unsure where and how to start? Do you have the tools you need in place so you can band resources and achieve the goal of utility computing [See the full post…]

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Categories: BearingPoint, Connected Social Media, Corporate, Enterprise 2.0 Tags: , ,

Utility Computing – Is It Real?

March 6th, 2007 |
Utility Computing – Is It Real?

Utility computing is not a new concept, but the technologies that make it viable are finally maturing. Properly deployed, utility computing can increase server utilization rates, reduce the requirement to build overcapacity and lower operating costs. This podcast identifies key [See the full post…]

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Categories: BearingPoint, Connected Social Media, Corporate, Technology Tags: , ,