IT Best Practices: Intel IT’s disaggregated server architecture allows independent refresh of the CPU/DRAM and NIC/Drives modules, without replacing other server components such as fans or power supplies. Annual estimated CAPEX savings is at least 44%. [See the full post…] |
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Categories: data centers, Information Technology, Intel, Intel IT, IT White Papers, IT@Intel Tags: CPU refresh, disaggregated server, information technology, Intel, Intel IT, IT Best Practices, IT Business Value, IT Whitepaper, IT@Intel, pdf, power usage effectiveness, processor refresh, PUE, Server Refresh
Categories: Audio Podcast, Corporate, data centers, Information Technology, Inside IT, Intel, Intel IT, IT@Intel Tags: Audio Podcast, Corporate, data center, information technology, innovation, Inside IT, Intel, Intel IT, Intel IT Performance Report, IT Best Practices, IT Business Review, IT Business Value, IT@Intel, Server Refresh, Shesha Krishnapura, Xeon E7-4800 v2
IT Best Practices: Intel IT provides compute services to the company, which means supporting the business of making computer chips. The standards are very high and Intel IT scrutinizes everything they deploy in the data center. Early testing of [See the full post…] |
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Categories: data centers, HD Video, Information Technology, Intel, Intel IT, IT@Intel, Video Podcast Tags: 10 Gigabit Ethernet, 10GE, Ajay Chandramouly, Cloud Computing, data center, E5, information technology, Intel, Intel IT, IntelIT, IT, IT Best Practices, IT Business Value, IT services, IT technology, microprocessor, networking, private cloud, processor, Sandy Bridge, server, Server Refresh, Shesha Krishnapura, storage, storage refresh, Technology, throughput, Xeon
IT Best Practices: The IT@Intel program connects IT professionals around the world with their IT peers inside our organization – sharing lessons learned, methods and strategies. Our goal is simple: Share the Intel IT best practices that create business [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Information Technology, Intel, Intel IT, IT White Papers, IT@Intel Tags: business, business intelligence, collaboration, Cyber Risk Management, data center, employee, financial valuation, information security, Intel IT, IT Best Practices, IT Business Value, IT Competitive Advantage, IT Sustainability, IT@Intel, productivity, Server Refresh, social media, strategic planning, sustainability
Categories: Clean Tech, Intel, Intel IT, IT White Papers, IT@Intel, sustainability Tags: Ashok Radhakrishnan, Asset Utilization, Client Refresh, Collaboration Technologies, Data Center Efficiency Program, data center virtualization, Dematerialization, green IT, Intel IT, IT Best Practices, IT Business Agility, IT Business Efficiency, IT Business Value, IT Competitive Advantage, IT Continuity, IT efficiency, IT Innovation, IT Sustainability, IT@Intel, Mobility Drive, Sally Wellsandt, Server Refresh, Steven Snyder, Travel Reduction
Categories: Corporate, Information Technology, Intel, Intel IT, IT White Papers, IT@Intel Tags: Intel IT, IT Best Practices, IT Business Value, IT Cloud Computing, IT Competitive Advantage, IT Data Center, IT Data Center Solutions, IT Data Center Strategy, IT efficiency, IT@Intel, Server Refresh, virtualization
Categories: Corporate, Information Technology, Intel, Intel IT, IT@Intel, sustainability Tags: Dean Blevins, energy savings, green IT, Intel, IT Sustainability, IT@Intel, Recycling, Server Refresh, servers, sustainability