Categories: Intel, Intel IDF Current, Intel Labs, Research@Intel, Video Podcast Tags: 3-D visualization, Always On Disaster Warnings for Mobile Devices, Bob Marshall, Chemical and particle detection, Disaster Management, disaster preparedness, Disaster Warning and Response, Distributed Scene Graph, Earth Networks, Extreme Event Simulation, Fireball, Frank Schott, Global Emergencies, IDF2011, information technology, Intel, Intel Developer Forum, Intel Labs, IT Risk, Keri Carkeek, Mercy Corps, Michael Bowers, Mitigation, NetHope, Oil Rig Structural Stability, Perry Olson, Preparedness, Real-time traffic management, Research, RFID, Security Management, Virtual environments, Water Quality
Categories: Intel, Intel IDF Current, Intel Labs, Research@Intel, Video Podcast Tags: 3-D visualization, Always On Disaster Warnings for Mobile Devices, Bob Marshall, Chemical and particle detection, Disaster Management, disaster preparedness, Disaster Warning and Response, Distributed Scene Graph, Earth Networks, Extreme Event Simulation, Fireball, Frank Schott, Global Emergencies, IDF2011, information technology, Intel, Intel Developer Forum, Intel Labs, IT Risk, Keri Carkeek, Mercy Corps, Michael Bowers, Mitigation, NetHope, Oil Rig Structural Stability, Perry Olson, Preparedness, Real-time traffic management, Research, RFID, Security Management, Virtual environments, Water Quality
In this podast, Kerry Bailey, vice president of business security solutions at Verizon, discusses the Security Management Program, a comprehensive security and compliance solution for enterprise, now in operation for 10 years, and the SMP Certification Seal and what [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, Corporate, Verizon Business Tags: Kerry Bailey, podcast, Security Management, SMP, Verizon, Verizon Business