The story of LEGO has a charming beginning. The small Danish toymaker created simple building blocks that could fit together to make almost anything imaginable. Then the company realized their toys tapped into the human desire to create. They weren’t [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Audio Podcast, Tech Barometer - From The Forecast by Nutanix Tags: artificial intelligence, David Gram, digital transformation, lego, Lego's Creative Play Lab, Robotics
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, data centers, Tech Barometer - From The Forecast by Nutanix, Technology Tags: AI, automation, China, Cloud Computing, Coronavirus, COVID-19, digital transformation, Enterprise IT, Hybrid Cloud, ICT Market, IDC, Internet of Things, IoT, Kitty Fok, manufacturing supply chains, Modernizing IT, Premier Li Qekiang, Robotics
Open Source Voices: In this episode, Joe Speed, Field CTO of IoT Solutions and Technology at ADLINK, and Greg Burns, Chief IoT Software Technologist at Intel, explore the exciting world of edge computing—specifically, robotics. The robotics industry is predicted [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Audio Podcast, Intel, Open Source Voices Tags: ADLINK, AI, artificial intelligence, co-bot, collaborative robot, computer vision, Edge, edge computing, Intel, Linux, machine learning, Movidius, Nicole Huesman, object recognition, open robotics, Open Source, RealSense, robot, Robotics, Robotics Operating System, ROS, ROS 2, ROSCon
Eric Leuthardt, MD, is quite the Renaissance Man. An accomplished neurosurgeon, inventor, playwright, book author, clothing designer and father of two, Eric has built a career with and around brains in a way no one would have imagined early [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Audio Podcast, Healthcare, Tech Tonics, Technology Tags: Biomedical, Eric Leuthardt, GE Ventures, Healthcare, neuroscience, neurosurgery, Pear Therapeutics, Robotics, tech tonics, technology and health
Categories: HD Video, Intel, Intel Labs, Research@Intel, Video Podcast Tags: Carnegie Mellon University, CMU, Collaborative Perception, embedded, Embedded Systems Architecture, Intel, Intel Labs, Intel Science and Technology Center for Embedded Computing, Intel Science and Technology Center, Mei Chen, Priya Narasimhan, Real-time Knowledge Discovery, Robotics
Researchers are developing technologies that will eventually allow users to control devices like computers, televisions and cell phones with their thoughts. Scientists have created Brain Computer Interface, also known as “BCI,” technology that allows computer programs to interpret human intentions [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Future Lab Radio, Intel, Intel Free Press, Intel Labs, Research@Intel Tags: ALS, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, artificial intelligence, assistive communication, BCI, brain research, Brain-Computer Interface, Carnegie Mellon University, Healthcare IT, Intel, Intel Free Press, Intel Labs, IntelFreePress, mind reading computers, Robotics, Wadsworth Center
We have Isaac Asimov to thank for thinking about robots as a science when he coined the term “robotics” in the 1940s. Originally, the term came from the word “robota” from Czech (possessing a similar meaning in other [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Future Lab Radio, Intel, Intel Free Press, Intel Labs, Research@Intel Tags: Carnegie Mellon University, Future Lab, HERB, Intel, Intel Free Press, Intel Labs, IntelFreePress, PR2, Research, robot, Robotics, Sidd Srinivasa, Steve Cousins, Willow Garage
Categories: Intel Tags: CMUT Ring Array, commercial potential, Dr. John Cooke, Dr. Pierre Khuri-Yakub, Eye drops abnormal cell growth, formation of companies, intellectual property, Katherine Ku, licensing, Ngan Tefera, nicotine, OTL, patents, Robotics, Sabastian Thrung, self driving cars, Serena Hanes, Stanford, startups, technology commercialization, Technology transfer, university