Over 700,000 people die by suicide each year, many of whom are active participants in the global workforce. For employers, this is more than a statistic—it’s a call to action.?In this episode, Dr. Dan Reidenberg, Managing Director of the National [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 43:56
Categories: Audio Podcast, Business Group on Health Tags: Business Group on Health, employer sponsored health care, health care delivery, mental health, suicide, suicide prevention
For individuals that struggle with mental health, the intensity of the challenges often evolve over their lifetime due to triggers or phases of life.
In this podcast we speak with Dr. Karen Swartz,psychiatrist and professor from the Johns Hopkins University [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 29:14
Categories: Audio Podcast, Business Group on Health, Healthcare Tags: behavioral health, Business Group on Health, mental health, mental health treatment, parental mental health, psychological health
Nutritional psychiatry is an emerging field that explores the connection between nutrition science and mental and emotional well-being. Dr. Uma Naidoo, our guest on this week’s podcast episode, is a trailblazer in the field and who calls food “one of [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 34:14
Categories: Audio Podcast, Business Group on Health, Healthcare Tags: Business Group on Health, food as medicine, mental health, nutritional psychiatry, Uma Naidoo
It’s well-understood that young people’s mental health is suffering; it’s the subject of news headlines, dinner conversations, and benefit strategy sessions as employers explore how to support families. On this episode of the Business Group on Health podcast, we dig [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 38:33
Categories: Audio Podcast, Business Group on Health, Healthcare Tags: Business Group on Health, Laura Erickson-Schroth, mental health, The Jed Foundation, Vivante Health, youth, youth mental health
The latest data show that suicide is the twelfth leading cause of death in the U.S. and among those with the highest rates are younger, working age adults (ages 25-34). While there are a multitude of factors that contribute to [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 44:25
Categories: Audio Podcast, Business Group on Health, Healthcare Tags: Aim Specialty Health, Business Group on Health, Christine Yu Moutier, mental health, mental health benefits employer sponsored health care, suicide, suicide prevention, suicide risk
While once deemed to have no medical value, there’s currently a race underway to study and gain FDA approval for the use of psychedelics as a mental health treatment. In this episode of the Business Group on Health Podcast, we [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 29:45
Categories: Audio Podcast, Business Group on Health, Healthcare Tags: Business Group on Health, employer sponsored health care, innovation, mental health, mental health treatment, psychedelic therapy
It’s no secret that the pandemic has been detrimental to our mental health. The American Psychological Association’s report, Stress in America 2021: Pandemic Stress One Year On, quantifies the toll it’s taken, illuminating the profound effect of prolonged stress on [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Audio Podcast, Business Group on Health, Healthcare Tags: American Psychological Association, Business Group on Health, Coronavirus, COVID-19, emotional health, mental health, Pandemic Stress
For more than a year we’ve upended our daily lives and altered our behavior to avoid contracting the coronavirus. Post-vaccination, why are we uncertain and even anxious about taking off masks around other vaccinated people, sending our kids back to [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Audio Podcast, Business Group on Health, Healthcare Tags: Business Group on Health, Coronavirus, COVID-19, emotional health, FONO, Lucy McBride, mental health, Post-vaccination
One of the many tragedies of the COVID-19 pandemic is its impact on those struggling with substance use disorders. Overdose deaths in the U.S. are estimated to reach an all-time high in 2020, likely driven by stress, isolation and decreased [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Audio Podcast, Business Group on Health Tags: addiction, Business Group on Health, employer health, mental health, stigma
Even before COVID-19, the U.S. was facing a caregiving crisis. And now, well over half of Americans are worrying about, taking care of, or looking out for a friend, neighbor or family member due to pandemic. But as these unpaid [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Audio Podcast, Business Group on Health, Healthcare Tags: Business Group on Health, Caregivers, caregiving, employer health, mental health