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Inside IT: The Evolving Role of IT

October 23rd, 2012 |
Inside IT: The Evolving Role of IT

IT Best Practices: Episode 36 – It’s the essence of this podcast series – the change of IT’s place in the organization, and the role IT plays in relation to all the business units in the company. In this [See the full post…]

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Categories: Audio Podcast, Information Technology, Inside IT, Intel, Intel IT, IT@Intel Tags: , , , , , , , , , , ,

Inside IT: Cell Phones In The Fab

March 13th, 2012 |
Inside IT: Cell Phones In The Fab

IT Best Practices: Episode 20 – There’s a trend in the enterprise that challenges IT: how can we secure productivity gains by allowing employees to use smart phones for work, without compromising security or creating a huge management problem? [See the full post…]

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Categories: Audio Podcast, Corporate, Information Technology, Inside IT, Intel, Intel IT, IT@Intel Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , ,