Inside IT: The Evolving Role of IT

October 23rd, 2012 |
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IT Best Practices: Episode 36 – It’s the essence of this podcast series – the change of IT’s place in the organization, and the role IT plays in relation to all the business units in the company. In this episode we wanted to turn to someone with a long-term view of the evolution of the IT organization. No one is better suited to do that than Kumud Srinivasan. She was recently named the next president of Intel India, one of Intel’s largest non-manufacturing sites outside the U.S. Srinivasan currently leads IT’s 1,000-person Silicon, Software and Services organization. In all, she’s been with Intel for a quarter of a century. In this podcast, Srinivasan talks about how Information Technology became such an essential part of the enterprise, and how IT’s role continues to change.

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Posted in: Audio Podcast, Information Technology, Inside IT, Intel, Intel IT, IT@Intel