WD Sentinel DX4000 Case Study: Freedom Concepts

Intel – The Personal Cloud: Small businesses, like Freedom Concepts in Winnipeg, Manitoba, rely on the power of information technology to manage their ever growing data in the enterprise of bicycle making. But these are not just any bikes. These are bicycles designed for children and adults with conditions such a spina bifida and cerebral palsy. So, the company not only has its own growing pool of business data and bike design information – Freedom Concepts keeps track of the special needs of its clients. The WD Sentinel DX4000 is easy to set up and helps Freedom Concepts centralize, maintain and protect data in its offices in Canada, California and Australia. In this video, CEO and Founder Ken Vanstraelen talks about the importance of the WD Sentinel DX4000 to his business.
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HD Video, Intel, Technology, The Personal Cloud, Video Podcast, Western Digital