PodSummit – Part 2: Bud Colligan and Mike Boich meet with Shelby Bonnie, CEO CNET
June 16th, 2006 |
Connected Social Media Syndication
![Image for FaceBook](https://media6.connectedsocialmedia.com/06/PID_000602/Podtech_PodSummit_031606_PodSummit_with_CNET_CEO_Shelby_Bonnie_2of2_Podtech_2006-06-16___home.jpg)
Part 2 of 2: Mike Boich and Bud Colligan had a chance to speak with Shelby Bonnie, CEO CNET. Bud is on the Board at CNET. This relationship led to a meaty discussion. Shelby talks about the engineering behind CNET’s pioneering moves into new media, how CNET was brought to increased net worth, and what the future of media looks like for CNET and others. Add this to the “must have” listener list if you are in media… a definitive, valuable source of information.
Click here to listen to part 1 of 2
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Connected Social Media, Enterprise 2.0, Entrepreneurship with John Furrier, Technology