Intel’s Scale to Serve Program helps hospitals expand ICU capacity – Intel Chip Chat – Episode 702

In this Intel Chip Chat audio podcast with Allyson Klein: On this episode of Chip Chat, Bryce Olson, Global Marketing Director of Health and Life Sciences Group, talks with host Allyson Klein about the changing world we live in due to the COVID-19 pandemic and how technology is playing a greater role in health services.
The two discuss Intel and Medical Informatics Corporation’s new Scale to Serve Program to help hospitals rapidly install and scale MIC’s Sickbay platform. The platform is designed to help hospitals rapidly expand intensive care unit (ICU) bed capacity and create more efficient care of the most critical patients while also reducing risk of COVID-19 exposure for critical care providers who are at a higher risk of exposure due to the nature of their work. Hospitals interested in access can apply for the program on the MIC website:
Learn more about the Serve to Scale program:…0-us-hospitals
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Audio Podcast, Healthcare, Intel, Intel Chip Chat