Automated, Active Assurance – Intel Chip Chat Network Insights – Episode 254

Intel Chip Chat – Network Insights audio podcast with Allyson Klein: Netrounds provides end-to-end service quality metrics required for closed-loop automation and self-service portal reporting. Netrounds’ software-only approach to flexible and automatable assurance makes the solution suitable for physical, hybrid and virtual environments – either on-premises or in public clouds. This provides a next-gen assurance solution that is suitable for any network topology and use case today, as well as for dynamic, software-driven networks of the future.
Jonas Krogell, Chief Technology Officer at Netrounds joins Intel Chip Chat Network Insights in this archive of a livecast interview from the Intel Network Builders Summit in conjunction with SDN & NFV World Congress in The Hague, Netherlands.
In this interview, Jonas explains the five reasons why the telecommunications industry requires automated, active assurance in the digital service provider era. From automation to real-time feedback for active service assurance, he explains how to efficiently monitor business-critical services such as SD-WAN and 5G network slices to ensure that Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are met.
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Audio Podcast, Intel, Intel Chip Chat, Intel Chip Chat: Network Insights