Intel IT has Reaped Big Savings on Cloud Computing

February 28th, 2019 |
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IT Best Practices: The availability of new software applications, coupled with easy access to cloud computing, has allowed businesses to optimize their workloads for faster time-to-market (TTM). But without a clear plan, IT organizations can find themselves playing catch-up with shadow IT. When business groups engage solution providers directly, they often face common challenges and lack best-known methods. Over the past decade, Intel has implemented a data center transformation strategy that focuses on placing the right workload in the right place. When it comes to applications best suited for the cloud, we developed a comprehensive multi-cloud strategy that includes centralized management of all cloud accounts, applications, and workloads; a planned approach to cost reduction; and a cloud-broker strategy to guide Intel’s business groups. This approach saved Intel approximately USD $940,000 in 2016.

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