Mindful IT for Industry Disruption – Intel Chip Chat Network Insights – Episode 164
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Intel Chip Chat – Network Insights audio podcast with Allyson Klein: Purnendu Ghosh, Senior Architect, Networking, Virtualization and Cloud Technologies for Happiest Minds joins us to discuss their disruptive approach to 5G and the intersection of IoT, LDN, analytics, and NFV technologies, just to name a few. Explore where Purnendu sees the focus of leading networking companies and where the top service providers are placing investments on the path to 5G. Purnendu shares specific proof-of-concept work that Happiest Minds is delivering as well as how Happiest Minds expects future investment into data analytics to bring actionable insights to the market.
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Audio Podcast, Intel, Intel Chip Chat, Intel Chip Chat: Network Insights