Concept: Saab’s BioPower

This unique concept, showcased in a Saab 9-3 Convertible, combines fossil-free bioethanol fuel (E100) with electric-only propulsion, using the advanced, two-mode hybrid system that Saab’s parent company, General Motors Corp., is co-developing with DaimlerChrysler and BMW Group. The Saab BioPower Hybrid Concept is capable of zero fossil fuel CO2 emissions, while also enhancing performance and reducing energy consumption. While at the Detroit Auto Show, I spoke with Brian Nesbitt, GME’s design director about the vehicle.
Reporter’s Notes: We must be making quite an impression on the large automakers with our content here on The Next Gear. So much so that GM invited us for an all expense paid trip to Detroit to cover the North American International Auto Show. While there, they wined and dined us and gave us unprecedented access to designers, high level corporate bigwigs and company spokespeople, yet with no requirement that we publish anything about them, only that we disclose this enticement. It was an opportunity we are happy to share with you, our audience. I encourage you to leave your feedback!
-Matt Kelly
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