Keen on Politics part 2; mashup data business opportunities; and Larry Magid on sexual predators
August 2nd, 2007 |
Connected Social Media Syndication
In today’s TechOne: Here is Keen on Politics part 2 of the YouTube debate between Andrew Keen, Steve Gillmor, Tony Perkins, Dan Farber, Keith Teare, Heather Harde and Robert Scoble. Part 1 can be found here, and part 3 is here.
Also today: Tom Foremski talks with Dave Nielsen from StrikeIron which supplies data for mashup environments. There are lots of ways to make money…
– Larry Magid sounds off on the issue of sexual predators on FaceBook.
– Aron Pruiett reports on how Dan Gisolfi (Executive IT Architect, Emerging Internet Technology with IBM Software Group) views the opportunities offered by mashup applications.
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Connected Social Media, Keen On Politics, TechOne