Revolutionizing Storage with 3D XPoint & Intel Optane Technology – Intel Chip Chat – Episode 410

In this Intel Chip Chat audio podcast with Allyson Klein: In this livecast from the Intel Developer Forum (IDF) in San Francisco Mike Ferron Jones, Director of Datacenter Platform Technology Marketing and Greg Matson, Director of SSD Strategic Planning and Product Marketing at Intel discuss the announcement of Intel Optane technology based on Intel’s new 3D XPoint technology. They outlined how 3D XPoint technology is an entirely new class of nonvolatile memory that will revolutionize storage enabling high-speed, high-capacity data storage close to the processor. This technology will be made available as SSDs (solid state drives) called Intel Optane technology, as well as in a DIMM (dual in-line memory module) form factor which will open up new possibilities of types of workloads and applications that you can accelerate or take to whole new levels of big memory applications. Greg emphasizes that Intel will be making Optane SSDs available for servers, enthusiast clients, and laptops within 2016.
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Audio Podcast, data centers, Intel, Intel Chip Chat, Intel Developer Forum