OrangeSoda: Online Marketing with Fizz

October 25th, 2007 |
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After Jay Bean launched and sold his former company ah-ha (now Enhance Interactive) to Marchex, he put his experience in local search, web marketing, and company building to work at OrangeSoda.

OrangeSoda’s primary focus is on helping small and medium-sized companies have online marketing success. They do this through a web-based system that lets OrangeSoda and their clients easily create and manage campaign, track success, view reports, and optimize search results. Their integrated system let’s small business owners work with all the major search engines and advertisers through a single, simple web user interface. OrangeSoda pushes everything out and collects all the results so their clients don’t have to worry about all the different requirements from each ad system or search engine.

Bean explains the secret behind the OrangeSoda name to Brad Baldwin as well as why it is focused on online marketing for small and medium business.

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Posted in: Connected Social Media, Enterprise 2.0, RockyMountainVoices