Demo: Net Nanny Provides Filters, Reports, Alerts

June 20th, 2007 |
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Net Nanny provides parents with a way to manage how, what and when the Internet can be used in a home. Ken Knapton, ContentWatch‘s chief technology officer, gives us a demo of the latest version of Net Nanny, which includes ContentWatch’s latest dynamic filtering technology. With dynamic filtering, Net Nanny can adapt on the fly to potentially harmful content inside Instant Messaging applications, behind popular social networks like MySpace or other apparently-innocent URLs. Knapton also shows off time restrictions, drill-down reporting and email alerts. So, whether it’s pornography, hate/violence, gambling or other potentially undesireable content, Net Nanny is watching when you aren’t.

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Posted in: Connected Social Media, Enterprise 2.0, RockyMountainVoices