Chris Johnson on Imaging’s Future in Medicine and Science

March 26th, 2007 |
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Chris R. Johnson directs the Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute (SCI) at the University of Utah. Johnson was greatly influenced by several people responsible, in large part, for creating computer graphics as we know it today. Names like David Evans and Ivan Sutherland (Evans and Sutherland Computing), John Warnock (Adobe), Jim Kajiya(Microsoft), Ed Catmull (Pixar), and Nolan Bushnell (Atari) are all individuals with links to the University of Utah computer science programs.

Johnson talks with Brad Baldwin about how imaging is transforming the medical and scientific industries, particularly to understand perhaps the most complex organism today: human life. With the hardware, software algorithms, and communications today, we’re entering what Johnson calls the Golden Age of medical and bioscience research. What is possible today, was only dreamed about just a few years ago. Through teamwork from computer scientists with medical experts, the result is breakthroughs in the way computers are being used to diagnosis conditions and apply medical treatments.

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