Categories: data centers, Information Technology, Intel, Intel: Intelligent Storage, Intel: Software Defined Infrastructure, IT White Papers, VMware Tags: 10 Gigabit Intel Ethernet Converged Network Adapters, DAS, Direct-Attached Storage, Enterprise storage, Intel, Intel Solid-State Drives Data Center Family, Intel Xeon E5 processors, Intel: Intelligent Storage, pdf, Software-defined data center, Software-defined infrastructure, Software-defined storage, SSD, Storage Management, virtual machines, Virtual SAN, VMware, VSAN, Whitepaper
Categories: Business Solutions for IT Managers, Corporate, Information Technology, Intel, IT White Papers Tags: Business Solutions for IT Managers, i5, i7, Intel Core, IT Best Practices, IT Business Value, IT maintenance business, pdf, Sistemas Técnicos Interactivos, STI, vPro, Whitepaper
Researchers around the world are searching for ways to help seniors remain healthier and live independently in their homes for longer. Intel is working on new sensing devices that can feed data to a central hub that infers whether a [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Audio Podcast, Corporate, Future Lab Radio, Healthcare, Intel, Intel Free Press, Intel Labs, Research@Intel Tags: Audio Podcast, Eric Dishman, Future Lab Radio, GE, health care, Health Care Innovations, Health Care Research, health care technology, Healthcare, Healthcare IT, Intel, John Hopkins School of Nursing, PAHO, Rapid Prototyping, TED Talks, Terrance O'Shea, Whitepaper