Categories: Audio Podcast, Healthcare, Tech Tonics, Technology Tags: biomed, Clinton Foundation, digital health, genomics, health startup, health technology, Health Transformation, human genome, lisa suennen, Marcus Osborne, medical research, tech tonics, technology and health, venture valkyrie, Walmart
Categories: Audio Podcast, Intel, Intel Chip Chat Tags: Allyson Klein, Andrew Mitry, Audio Podcast, Chip Chat, Intel, Open Source, Open Source Culture, OpenStack, Public Cloud, Walmart
Categories: Audio Podcast, Healthcare, Information Technology, Tech Tonics Tags: Butterfly Health, CVS, david shaywitz, dnanexus, Health, health insurance, health sciences, health-it, Healthcare, information technology, insurance, Kelly Brezcocky, lisa suennen, medical care, medical research, Medicine, obamacare, personal healthcare, Target, tech tonics, technology and health, venture capital, venture valkyrie, Walmart