In-person care, telehealth, and apps, oh my! With so many care delivery choices available to patients, when does it make sense to engage virtually and when is it best to leave the screen behind? In our conversation with Dr. Ateev [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Business Group on Health Tags: Business Group on Health, employer sponsored health, health care, health care quality, telehealth, virtual care, virtual health
For far too long, investments in digital health solutions for women have been underfunded. According to Rock Health, just 3% of the US digital health deals since 2011 have focused on women’s health and well-being. But that’s all changing. Increased [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Audio Podcast, Business Group on Health, Healthcare Tags: Business Group on Health, digital health, employer health, Sari Kaganoff, virtual care, women’s health
What do telehealth, social determinants of health and preventive care have in common? For better or for worse, all have been thrust into the national spotlight due to the coronavirus pandemic. And they share this attention for good reason, as [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Audio Podcast, Business Group on Health, Healthcare Tags: Business Group on Health, employer health, health care quality, health insurance, Peggy O’Kane, telehealth, virtual care