Categories: Intel, Intel Chip Chat Tags: Ajay Bhat, Ajay Bhatt Rockstar, Allyson Klein, Bala Cadambi, Intel, Intel Chip Chat, Jim Pappas, Rock Star, Rockstar, Server Room, Universal Serial Bus, USB
In this Intel Chip Chat podcast with host Allyson Klein, Intel Fellow Ajay Bhatt, Director of IO Technologies/Standards Bala Cadambi and Director of Initiative Marketing Jim Pappas have a lively discussion on driving technology innovation (part 1 of 2).
For [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Intel, Intel Chip Chat Tags: Ajay Bhat, Ajay Bhatt Rockstar, Allyson Klein, Bala Cadambi, Intel, Intel Chip Chat, Jim Pappas, Rock Star, Rockstar, Server Room, Universal Serial Bus, USB
Ripping DVDs, transferring video from cameras, or converting downloaded videos from various sources for Apple products can be a difficult and time consuming process. Now with a software update for the Turbo.264 hardware-based video encoder from Elgato Systems, Macintosh users [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Apple Voices, Connected Social Media, Enterprise 2.0 Tags: Apple, Apple TV, Elgato Systems, Final Cut Express, Final Cut Pro, iMovie, Intel, iPhone, iPod, iPod Classic, iPod Nano, iPod Nano Fatty, iPod Touch, Macintosh, Miglia, PowerPC, QuickTime, Ripping DVD, Roxio Popcorn, Turbo.264, USB, video encoder, VideoExpress
Categories: Connected Social Media, Corporate, Intel, Intel Chip Chat, Intel Developer Forum, Technology Tags: IDF, Intel, IntelMooresLaw, interconnect, Universal Serial Bus, USB