Just how far have hard drives come since the first hard drive was introduced in 1956? How much storage do we need for our digital lifestyles? And how are new high-capacity storage drives helping Seagate gain market share in the [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Barracuda Networks, Connected Social Media, Corporate, Video Podcast Tags: Barracuda, Barracuda 7200.11, Barracuda ES.2, digital lifestyles, hard drive, high-capacity, Marc Jourlait, Seagate, storage, terabyte
What would you store if you could afford one terabyte — that’s 1,000 gigabytes — of hard disk space? In this podcast, Doug Pickford, director of product and market strategy for enterprise products with Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, talks with [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, Corporate, Hitachi Global Storage Technologies Hard Disk Drives, Technology Tags: 7K1000, Cinemastar, Deskstar, Doug Pickford, Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, terabyte