Categories: Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Intel, Tech Conferences and Events, Technology, Transforming Storage Tags: application data, cloud, Cloud Storage, fast data, Greg Scott, Hybrid Cloud, hybrid clouds, InfoStreet, Intel, Intel: Intelligent Storage, Jared Wray, private cloud, Private Clouds, Public Cloud, Public Clouds, Siamak Farah, SNW, storage, Storage Network World, Tier 3, Transforming Storage
Categories: Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Information Technology, Intel, Intel: Intelligent Storage, Intel: Software Defined Infrastructure, Transforming Storage Tags: cloud, Cloud Storage, distributed data, distributed storage, Gold iPhone, Greg Scott, Intel, Intel: Intelligent Storage, iPhone, iPhone 5C, Ramin Elahi, SNW, SNW13, storage, Transforming Storage, UC Santa Cruz, UCSC
SNW Spotlight is your source for the latest information from Storage Networking World.
On today’s SNW Spotlight, we look behind the scenes of SNW with event sponsors Computer World and the Storage Networking Industry Association, and we chat with LSI’s [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, SNWSpotlight Tags: Agere, Computer World, LSI, SNW, SNW Spotlight, Storage Networking World