Transforming Storage: The Rise of Intelligent Storage

September 25th, 2013 |
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Transforming Storage – Episode 3 – Gold iPhones couldn’t have been a bigger hit. Over the weekend Apple sold more than 9 million iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C models. But the iPhone, as well as every smart phone and tablet, would be just a simple device drawing on its own memory if it weren’t for substantial and complex storage infrastructures run by carriers, ISPs, search engines, websites, audio and video suppliers… the list goes on. Advances in storage technologies in just the past few years have enabled services that 10 years ago did not exist. One sign of the growing complexity is a need for a storage curriculum in university computer science departments. In this edition of Transforming Storage, a chat with Ramin Elahi, an adjunct faculty member at The University of California, Santa Cruz, who says the time has come to better equip graduates with more comprehensive storage coursework. And we talk with Greg Scott, Chief Cloud Storage Strategist at Intel, who describes current advances in intelligent storage.

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Posted in: Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Information Technology, Intel, Intel: Intelligent Storage, Intel: Software Defined Infrastructure, Transforming Storage