Categories: Featured, HD Video, Intel, Intel Chip Chat, Intel Chip Chat: Under the Hood, Video Podcast Tags: 3D XPoint Technology, HD Video, Intel, Intel Chip Chat, Intel Chip Chat: Under the Hood, memory, Mike Ferron-Jones, NVM, storage, Video Podcast
Categories: Audio Podcast, Corporate, Dell, Information Technology, Intel, Intel Chip Chat Tags: Allyson Klein, blade, Chip Chat, converged network, data center, Dell, E5, Intel, memory, podcast, power consumption, rack, server, storage, tower, virtualization, Xeon
One of the many opportunities for Intel leaders to answer questions from press, bloggers — anyone, really — is the popular panel q&a, “Shoptalk.” This time, Intel Fellows including Matthew Adiletta, Ajay Bhatt, Richard Lee Coulson, John Crawford, Vivek De, [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, Corporate, Information Technology, InfoWorld, Intel, Intel Developer Forum, Intel IT, Intel vPro, Intel-OpenPort, IT@Intel Tags: Ajay Bhatt, DRAM, environmental, Eugene S. Meieran, Intel Fellows, John Crawford, Kevin Kahn, Matthew Adiletta, memory, nanotechnology, P. Geoffrey Lowney, processors, Raj Yavatkar, Richard Lee Coulson, Shoptalk, silicon, Thomas A. Piazza, Vivek De, voice recognition