Plants are not as efficient as you might think in capturing solar energy. Current photovoltaic panels can capture more energy per square meter — quite a bit more in fact — than biomass crops that are being suggested as feedstock [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Clean Tech, Connected Social Media, SmartEnergy Tags: Alfred Spormann, biomass, ethanol, photovoltaic, solar energy
From the floor of the Albuquerque Convention Center, Intel’s International Science and Engineering Fair provided a day full of compelling ideas. Listen to this podcast of three Malaysian high school students who have begun to study the possibility of using [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Clean Tech, Connected Social Media, Corporate, Intel, Intel Education and World Ahead, IntelEducation, IntelISEF, IntelWorldAhead Tags: bananas, ethanol, Intel, IntelWorldAhead, International Science and Engineering Fair, Jason Lopez
There’s a lot of enthusiasm right now around ethanol as a potential solution to our oil addiction. Not everyone shares that enthusiasm, though. Margot Gerritsen speaks with UC Berkeley Professor Tad Patzek for a different perspective. Patzek is certain that [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Clean Tech, Connected Social Media, SmartEnergy, Technology Tags: carbon emissions, energy security, ethanol, Margot Gerritsen