Categories: Audio Podcast, Intel, Open Source Voices Tags: Anas Nashif, ARM, BLE Mesh, Bluetooth, Bluetooth Low Energy Mesh, Bluetooth Protocol Stack, Carles Cufi, DTLS, Intel, IoT, IPv6, Linaro, Linux, mcu-boot, microcontrollers, networking, Nordic Semiconductors, NXP, Open Source, OpenThread, Security, TCP IP, Technology, TLS, TrustZone, Zephyr Project
IT Best Practices: On manufacturing floors, OT dominates due to its exceptional reliability, but IT excels at aggregating data for analysis and action. Manufacturing efficiency could greatly benefit from IT practices, but a range of issues inhibit adoption, including [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Intel, Intel IT, IT White Papers, IT@Intel Tags: battery life, BLE, Bluetooth, Bluetooth LE, information technology, Intel, Intel IT, IoT, IoT gateway, IT Best Practices, IT Business Value, IT Whitepaper, IT@Intel, LR-WPAN, operational technology, pdf, wireless sensor networks
Dan Sheehan, CEO and Founder of Winplus, gives us a demo of Yada, a device that hooks up to your dashboard that includes a Bluetooth headset for your cell phone. Because you never take your headset out of your [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, Enterprise 2.0, ScobleShow Tags: Bluetooth, Dan Sheehan, Winplus, Yada