Electrojet’s Little Engine that Could

A former Ford Motor Co. engineer has created a small engine fuel-injection system that he claims increases fuel efficiency, reduces emissions and improves overall engine performance. 27-year-old Kyle Schwultz quit his job at Ford to start up his company, Electrojet. His product was on display at the Cleantech Venture Forum in New York. PodTech’s Rio Pesino reports.
The Cleantech Forum is right around the corner, February 19-22, in San Francisco. The San Francisco Cleantech Forum brings together more than 600 top investors, companies and thought-leaders for two days of unparalleled networking and cutting edge exchange. Register here.
Host: Rio Pesino – PodTech
Guest: Kyle Schwultz – Electrojet
Rio Pesino – PodTech
This is Rio Pesino for PodTech.net. I’m here at The Cleantech Forum, here in New York. I’m standing with Kyle Schwultz, who is the CEO and Founder of Electrojet. Welcome to the Podcast.
Kyle Schwultz – Electrojet
Thank you.
Rio Pesino – PodTech
Kyle, tell us why you’re here?
Kyle Schwultz – Electrojet
I’m here to promote my company Electrojet, which does small engine fuel-injection technologies. This is obviously a clean network of venture capital and our products reduce emissions as well as increase performance of small engine products that you might find in motorcycles, ATVs, even modern garden equipment.
Rio Pesino – PodTech
What’s your existing customer base?
Kyle Schwultz – Electrojet
Well, currently we are in R&D, so we do not have any current customers, but we’re hoping to — we’re speaking to many and we’re hoping to secure development contracts over the next year.
Rio Pesino – PodTech
This is obviously a competitive field.
Kyle Schwultz – Electrojet
Well, I think we’re trying to be somewhat modest in our company goals. We just like to — first of all, it’s a fun business to be in, it is exciting. I came from the auto industry which is a little bit depressed right now. So, it’s fun to do product development in exciting field such as recreation. Obviously we’re looking for funding. We’ve been through the Angel Networks within the state of Michigan, but we find that the amount of money they’d like to invest was a little bit lower than what we’re asking for.
So, we’re hoping to find individuals in this arena who obviously have the funding for what we’re asking for, but more specifically Clean is aligned very closely with our products. We’re really looking forward to growing our company, getting our products accepted into the marketplace and hopefully moving from there.
Rio Pesino – PodTech
What are some of the challenges that you’re facing right now?
Kyle Schwultz – Electrojet
Mostly capital. So, we have an exceptional team in Michigan. As you may know, Michigan’s pretty much the home of automotive technologies, and what we’re doing at Electrojet is porting those technologies into the small engine market. So, we’ve got a great poll of employees, but most of them are part time.
So, we’re looking to take on money to take the next step, get our team on board full time and really aggressively penetrate the market. So, we came here because we’re excited about the opportunities. I’ve seen a lot of very interesting technologies here and I just hope there’s a few companies that think that our value proposition’s greater than the others.
Rio Pesino – PodTech
Well Kyle, I appreciate the time, thanks for the Podcast and good luck with everything.
Kyle Schwultz – Electrojet
Thank you very much.
Rio Pesino – PodTech
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