Cleantech Venture Forum: Marrone Organic Innovations

February 14th, 2007 |
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Marrone Organic Innovations is the creator of natural, environmentally responsible products for weed and pest management. PodTech’s Rio Pesino spoke with MOI Founder Pam Marrone at the Cleantech Venture Forum in New York.

The Cleantech Forum is right around the corner, February 19-22, in San Francisco. The San Francisco Cleantech Forum brings together more than 600 top investors, companies and thought-leaders for two days of unparalleled networking and cutting edge exchange. Register here.


Host: Rio Pesino – PodTech

Guest: Pam Marrone – Marrone Organic Innovations

Rio Pesino – PodTech

This is Rio Pesino for so I am here at Cleantech in New York. I am here with Pam Marrone, who is the Founder and CEO of Marrone Organic Innovations. Welcome to the Podcast Pam.

Pam Marrone – Marrone Organic Innovations


Rio Pesino – PodTech

Now, Pam go ahead and tell me a bit about your company, what you guys do?

Pam Marrone – Marrone Organic Innovations

Well we develop natural products for controlling weeds and pests in organic farming.

Rio Pesino – PodTech

How long have you guys been in business?

Pam Marrone – Marrone Organic Innovations

Well we are a new startup and I am an experienced entrepreneur having other biopesticide companies started up before, but I started in April just raised our seed financing and now we are here at this Cleantech looking for the biggest — the big of round of financing two-three million.

Rio Pesino – PodTech

Cool. How many employees guys having?

Pam Marrone – Marrone Organic Innovations

Well, we now have three employees.

Rio Pesino – PodTech

Wow, it’s a very, very neat.

Pam Marrone – Marrone Organic Innovations

We are a startup. Right now we’ve got a great product pipeline. We have already in licensed some products and we’ve got great people working for us, so it’s just money.

Rio Pesino – PodTech

Right. What are some of the products?

Pam Marrone – Marrone Organic Innovations

Well, we actually have our first weed killer, so the largest part in organic production is controlling weeds, you can’t use round up, you can’t use chemical sprays, you have to hand hold them out or use a tractor many times over the field, not very environmentally friendly to do that. So, those products actually it’s an extract of the plant that you can spray on the weeds and kill them and it’s organically certified.

Rio Pesino – PodTech

So, what are your thoughts on Cleantech, it’s a…?

Pam Marrone – Marrone Organic Innovations

Well Cleantech is a great venue, I have actually presented here a couple times before and this is the biggest one ever. The Cleantech area is really hot right now and what’s nice about it is you get a lot of investors all in one room, listening to. So, it takes a lot less work to find investors when you are here.

Rio Pesino – PodTech

What’s your goal here at Cleantech?

Pam Marrone – Marrone Organic Innovations

Well I would like to get at least one investor who could serve as a major lead investor for our series around.

Rio Pesino – PodTech

Okay. Pam well good luck for that.

Pam Marrone – Marrone Organic Innovations

Thank you very much.

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