IDF2012 – Intel Labs Media Day

September 10th, 2012 |
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“Science and technology have progressed to the point where what we build is only constrained by the limits of our own imaginations.” Justin Rattner – Intel Chief Technology Officer

Analysts, Science Fiction authors, Intel Researchers and Intel’s futurist will discuss their views and approaches of using science based/science fiction as a kind of tool to explore real world implications and uses of future technologies today. After the discussion selected demos will be highlighted.

The following segments were broadcast live here on September 10, 2012. They will be replaying here in the Livestream player and available to watch/download here and via iTunes, YouTube and other services. Please check back soon. Visit the IDF website for more details about the Intel Developer Forum.

IDF2012 video segments:

  • Intro and Panel
  • Demo: Display without Boundaries
  • Demo: Emotions Through Images
  • Demo: Interactive Shopping
  • Demo: Situational Sensitive Communication
  • Tags: , , , , , ,
    Posted in: Corporate, Intel, Intel Labs, Research@Intel, Tech Conferences and Events