IDF Beijing: Doing More with Less

April 18th, 2007 |
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The day 1 keynotes at the Intel Developer Forum in Beijing featured CTO Justin Rattner and Pat Gelsinger, senior vice president of the Digital Enterprise Group. They talked about new developments at the company. Rattner filled in some detail around Intel’s research efforts (and explained the critical importance of China in these initiatives–the company plans to build a new fab in the northeast-China city of Dalian) as well as offered a lively demonstration of 80-core Tera-scale technology.

Pat Gelsinger, who helped shepherd Tera-scale research, offered insights into the Penryn microprocessor and the products it will power after its release later this year. He also talked about highly parallel, IA programmable architecture codename “Larrabee.” Also in the keynote podcast, Gelsinger unveils QuickAssist Technology to optimize the use of accelerators in servers, and Tolapai to integrate the memory controller, I/O controller hubs and an Intel QuickAssist Technology accelerator into a single processor.

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