Cheryl Snapp Conner On Social Media in PR
Social media and public relations activities are converging at different paces and in different ways for companies. Cheryl Snapp Conner, partner & executive PR director at Salt Lake City-based Snapp Norris Group talks about this evolution and the impact of social media on PR strategy. Describing the phenomenon as ‘shifting ground’ and a ‘moving target,’ Snapp Conner shares her professional insights, shares success stories from SNG’s clientele, and also comments on best practices–including how not to mix social media and public relations.
Founded in 2002, award-winning SNG PR is one of the industry’s premier public relations firms, and was voted the “Best PR Firm in Utah” by the readership of Connect Magazine.
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Connected Social Media, Enterprise 2.0, RockyMountainVoices, Technology