CES 2008 BlogHaus, hosted by Seagate and PodTech at Bellagio Hotel & Casino

CES 2008 BlogHaus Motto: Bandwidth, Beer, and Beanbags all for bloggers only.
We’ll be back at the Bellagio Hotel & Casino, Suite #6601 – Spa Tower.
Check out the mashup of CES 2007 BlogHaus in this post.
More info can be found at:
A place for bloggers, podcasters, video bloggers, and other online media creators to meet, have some food, relax, and share the day’s news at the Consumer Electronics Show — CES. We’ll have the best bandwidth in Las Vegas plus last year we had 700 of the world’s best bloggers, podcasters and journalists come through our doors.
Please note that the BlogHaus is only open to bloggers, podcasters, and journalists who have RSVP’d and are on our guest list.
Sponsored by Seagate, our favorite storage company, and hosted by PodTech.
Starting Sunday, January 6 – BlogHaus Open from 4pm to 2am
4pm BlogHaus Opens!
6pm Bill Gates Keynote
10pm Seagate One Touch Giveaway with Robert Scoble
10pm Seagate “Dave” Demo
Monday, January 7 – BlogHaus Open from 7am to 2am
6pm-9pm Showstoppers
9:30pm Seagate Execs Arrive
10pm Seagate One Touch Giveaway with Robert Scoble
Tuesday, January 8 – BlogHaus Open from 7am to 2am
8-10pm Frag Dolls
10pm Seagate One Touch Giveaway with Robert Scoble
Wednesday, January 9 – BlogHaus Open from 7am to 2am
6:30pm Extreme HD Demo
10pm Seagate One Touch Giveaway with Robert Scoble
Thursday, January 10 – BlogHaus Open from 7am to 12pm
12pm BlogHaus Closes
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CES BlogHaus 2008, CES Las Vegas - Consumer Electronics Show, Connected Social Media, Corporate, Seagate, Tech Conferences and Events