Salesforce CEO on Google Apps Chairman and CEO Marc Benioff talks about Google Apps.
Marc Benioff Photo Credit: Peter Kaminski, via Creative Commons
Related Stories: GoogleApps
Guest: Marc Benioff –
Marc Benioff – is one of the fastest growing software companies in the world today. That means we are hiring and on boarding new employees globally at a higher speed and at a greater rate than ever before. We have to choose technology that those employees already know how to use. One of the reasons that we have become one of the very fastest growing software companies in the world is using the Google technology, whether it was the search or the search appliance, whether it was the GoogleApps, or whether it was other critical Google technology, what we have really found is, because it works not only with the technology we have today, like the PCs and Blackberries, but also with all of our existing ERP and CRM systems, they are not going to have the problems you had with that old technology that’s kind of, virus laden and everybody is on a different version and everybody has got an incompatibility and you don’t know who is using what.
But with GoogleApps, everybody is running the same copy, because it all comes from a central server; and that’s also true for and we learned that’s a more secure and a more powerful way to run your business. It’s not like that old software model where we have to wait years or even decades for the next version, or the next upgrade, or even the next product; the next version or next product at Google is sometimes the next day, maybe within the next hour.
It is amazing that the spreadsheets and the word processors and the Email and the other collaboration software that we mostly use today, was built before the Internet and HTML was even created. The power of GoogleApps is that it’s an Internet based system that was build for the Internet; it runs on the Internet, it uses Internet standards; that’s what we want here, and that’s what we got with GoogleApps.
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