The First CRV Entrepreneur Idol Winners

Watch the three winning pitches of the first ever CRV Entrepreneur Idol (coming to a grad school near you soon). Judges George, Bill Tai and Susan Wu of CRV, as well as Silicon Valley famed blogger and journalist, Matt Marshall chose their top 5 contestants out of 60 MBA candidates. The top three got to present their pitches to the audience, and the ultimate idol winner was selected by the audience.
Winners included:
1st: Ned Tozun, MBA2 – Solid state LED for the developing world, Foreverbright
2nd: Rohin Dhar, MBA2 – Online job recruitment services, PersonForce
3rd: Jeff Piper, MBA2 – Hedging instruments for residential real estate market
4th (tied): Vanessa Stanley-Miller, MBA2 – Kid-centric online video service
4th (tied): Ben Savage, MBA2 – Location based mobile game platform
If you are interested in bringing CRV Entrepreneur Idol to your Grad School, contact Susan Wu at
Susan, Matt Marshall, and John Furrier discuss it as well.
Posted in:
Connected Social Media, Enterprise 2.0, Entrepreneurship with John Furrier, Technology