Scalable 5G Fronthaul Deployment – Intel Chip Chat Network Insights – Episode 280

Intel Chip Chat – Network Insights audio podcast with Allyson Klein: Fronthaul is a key technology area for accelerating 4G and 5G deployments, but there is a lack of fronthaul white boxes in the market. Intel and Altran are collaborating to create white box fronthaul gateway designs based on Intel FPGA with Intel Fronthaul FPGA IP, and Altran Network software. Altran, headquartered in Paris, is an Intel Partner in multiple areas, including Intel FlexRAN, and the FPGA for Fronthaul.
Guest Host Renu Navale sits down with Altran’s Assistant VP of Technology Kalimani Govindarajan to discuss developments in fronthaul gateways, Open RAN, white box, and network operating systems. Mobile operators can accelerate their 5G network buildout thanks to an integrated software framework based on Intel data-centric technology.
Altran has created a disaggregated fronthaul framework based on Intel field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) that enable wireless carriers and network equipment manufacturers (NEMs) to accelerate large scale and scalable 5G fronthaul deployment.
Altran is a Intel Network Builders Winner’s Circle Solution Partner:
For more information about how Altran’s Fronthaul gateway solution accelerates 5G deployment through their partnership with Intel visit :…intel-technology/
Learn more about Intel’s work in network transformation, 5G and edge computing at:
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Audio Podcast, Intel, Intel Chip Chat, Intel Chip Chat: Network Insights