Seeing the Future of Spatial Technologies with Robert Scoble

Lopez: I still can’t get past the idea that I’m talking to a toaster.
Scoble: Yeah. You’re talking to millions of toasters. That’s the breakthrough, right? When you’re talking to a Tesla, you’re not talking just to one chip, you’re talking to 800,000 cars that are driving around with cameras on them, and all of the centralized computers that they have up in the data center… it’s the connectedness that brings the power to it.
This is one of the many exchanges in this wide ranging interview with Robert Scoble on VR and spatial computing. Robert has immersed himself in spatial computing and reports that a satisfying user experience is just around the corner. Whether people will immediately adopt it might be another matter. Listen to the podcast to hear Robert’s current thinking on the state of VR, AR and other spatial technologies.
Robert is the co-author of “The Infinite Retina: Spatial Computing, Augmented Reality, and how a collision of new technologies are bringing about the next tech revolution.”
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