Wireless Core Advances for 5G – Intel Chip Chat – Episode 696

In this Intel Chip Chat audio podcast with Allyson Klein: Wireless Core Network Division at Intel, updates on his team’s work to deliver the best platform solutions for 5G wireless core.
Efforts have been made to virtualize the wireless core for years, starting with 4G networks, and Intel has enabled the industry to make impressive gains as the transition to 5G ramps in 2020. Quach and host Allyson Klein discuss the new requirements imposed on network infrastructure by 5G, and how Intel is working with customers and customers’ customers to define and deliver an unmatched solution portfolio for 5G network infrastructure, including 2nd Generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors. Quach additionally highlights several recent proof points by Intel partners and customers that are important milestones on the path to the mobile core that future networks will depend on.
To learn more about Intel’s unparalleled portfolio for 5G network infrastructure, visit intel.com/network and follow Alex Quach on Twitter at @quachalexander.
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Audio Podcast, Intel, Intel Chip Chat