Apple Rumor Mill: iPod Phone or Movie iPod?
MENLO PARK, September 5, 2006 (PodTech News) — An announcement today that Apple will be holding an invitation-only press event in San Francisco on September 12th is providing plenty of grist for the rumor mill, with the fringes dreaming of iPod-phones, and the mainstream predicting full-length movie downloads (and an upgraded iPod to play them on). PodTech’s Catherine Girardeau spoke with Rob Enderle of the Enderle Group to sort through some of the grist from the mill.
Reporter’s Notes: Get it while it’s hot: Find out on Valleywag how you can get inside the Apple announcement… but you have to have something really tech-crunchy to trade. Apple Insider has more on the American Technology Research report on the rumored iPod cell phone mentioned in this story. Finally, I stumbled across this old post from Business Week with some thoughts on the particular genre of rumor-mongering Apple inspires, and on how rumors contain the seed of truth — the truth about what people want.
— Catherine Girardeau
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