Wipro Pipe Sleuth and Optimized Inference with Intel OpenVINO Toolkit – Intel on AI – Episode 27

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In this Intel on AI podcast episode: Regular inspection of underground water and sewage pipelines is essential in the water utility industry to prioritize maintenance tasks and avoid pipe leakage, breakage, and blockage, which might result in property damage or safety hazards. Traditional inspection with videos being captured by a remotely operated rover and then manually analyzing footage is cumbersome, time-consuming, and error prone.

Sundar Varadarajan, Consulting partner for AI/ML at Wipro Technologies, joins the Intel on AI podcast to discuss how Wipro is using artificial intelligence (AI) to automatically process video scans and identify, grade, and score overall pipe quality. Utilizing the Intel Optimization for TensorFlow and Intel OpenVINO Toolkit, Sundar explains how Wipro enables their customers to perform image inferencing in real time allowing pipeline inspections to be incredibly more efficient, consistent, and accurate. Sundar also talks about how Wipro is working with the Intel AI Builders program to optimize their solutions for the latest Intel technologies and lists several other solutions focused on concrete surface crack detection and medical imaging.

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Posted in: Artificial Intelligence, Audio Podcast, Intel, Intel on AI