Satyam Vaghani: When More Machines Than Humans Connect to the Internet
With the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT), IT departments are facing a significant shift as human demand for data is surpassed by machines. Machine-to-machine communications from robots, retail store sensors and other connected devices are forcing IT departments to put more computing resources to support IoT. This is driving the technology industry to rethink what’s at the core of distributed computing, according to Satyam Vaghani, VP and GM for IoT and AI at Nutanix. “Because what machines need will be fundamentally different, operating systems will need to be dramatically different from the operating systems that were built for human use cases of computing,” he said. In this interview, Vaghani explores what it will take to control massively distributed computing systems in a world of real-time data.
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Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Tech Barometer - From The Forecast by Nutanix