Creating Multi-User Deep Learning Training Platforms – Intel Chip Chat – Episode 666
In this Intel Chip Chat audio podcast with Allyson Klein: In this episode we’re joined by Carlos Morales, the General Manager of the AI Software Group at Intel, to talk about Nauta, an open-source deep learning training platform.
Nauta (the Latin word for “sailor”) runs on Kubernetes (the Greek word for “helmsman”) and is intended to give data scientists and their teams better control as they navigate the seas of data. It’s multi-node, and multi-user integrated, combining years of best practices into a single easy-to-install software package.
Scaling deep-learning processes over multiple nodes can be challenging. Nauta is built for easy resource sharing over large teams. This allows for better access to valuable deep-learning resources. Nauta is fine-tuned to run over multiple 2nd Generation Intel Xeon Scalable processor based servers with multiple users, granting more flexibility and better access to valuable deep-learning resources.
For more on Nauta-enabled solutions, check out this episode of Intel on AI:
Information about AI and Intel technologies is available at:
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Audio Podcast, Intel, Intel Chip Chat